Tuesday 5 April 2011

The 2011 Garden Wish List

Last year in February I set out all the garden improvements that were going to be made and reported back in September with the results of my labours, or in some cases the non-result of my inactivity. This year I will offer a similar undertaking, mostly concerning last years unfinished jobs.

I will

1) Convert the bit of garden next to the summer house and behind the swing chair from last years rubbish dump to an area of aesthetically pleasing land, perhaps using some chiminea components as flower pots.
2) Grow more raspberries.
3) Cultivate the front lawn so that in summer it is green rather than yellow.
4) Repair the summer house and stain the new doors we put on last year.

That’s it, a short list I know but now the teak has gone and the rattan is here there’s no maintenance to be done and I can concentrate on what I enjoy best, BBQ’s, drinks outside in the warm evenings, playing football with the kids and general good outdoor living.

I will report back in September with what I hope is a 100% pass rate.